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Basic Soil Report
A&L Basic Soil Report
This report tells you everything you need to know about the condition of your soil. It includes recommendations for individual nutrients required to improve fertility.
The Basic Soil Report will require more interpretation than Option 1 as it does not include optimal ranges or recommendations for specific fertilizer products. Click here to see an example of the Basic Soil Report.
Scroll down to learn more about this report.
How to Get Started
Step 1:
Determine your sample area(s):
Lawn: treat "good" and "bad" areas as different samples / always sample your front and back yard separately
Gardens: treat individual garden beds as separate sample areas
Do not exceed 10,000 square feet per sample area
Step 2:​
Prepare your submission form:
Open the Residential Soil Submission Form.
Fill out your information (and your client's information, if applicable)
OPTIONAL - Add micronutrients to your analysis:​
Write "add S7 micronutrient package" in the "Comments or Additional Instructions" box
Includes zinc, manganese, iron, copper, boron, and sulfur
The cost is an additional $20.50 plus tax per sample
Step 3:
Collect your soil sample(s):​
Follow the instructions at the bottom of the submission form to collect a proper sample
Clearly label each sample with the unique Sample ID written on your form
Step 4:
Ship your sample to the lab:
Place your soil sample(s) and submission form in a box
Drop off or ship to the address at the top of your submission form
Additional information:
The cost of our Basic Soil Report is $28.10 plus tax
The analysis includes organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and base saturation of cations
Once samples are received at the lab, the turn around time is 3 business days
An invoice will be sent to the email address listed on your form under Soil Submitter
Results will not be released until payment is received
Nutrient recommendations are expressed in lbs/acre and lime in tons/acre
Click here to learn how to use your results to select fertilizer products.
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